Did you have significant experiences with certain animals? Have you noticed animals with abnormal behaviors? Do some animals persist or visit you...
Why create a Life Mission Journal? In order to exceed the limits of the left brain. Taking stock in writing is a...
Some sources of stress Abuse Constant noises Life changes Health problems Death of a loved one Career Job dissatisfaction Job loss Change...
Dear Archangel Michael, I invoke you, hear this prayer that comes from my heart. I ask to be aware of my life...
Dear God and angels, I call upon you, hear this prayer which comes from my heart. It seems like I forgot why...
Lorsque tu te centres: 1. Tu es toi-même! Tu rayonnes la splendeur de ton âme. Tu honores ton Je Suis unique. 2....
ÎLE DE LA RÉUNION - le 17 septembre 2012 UNE RANDONNÉE EN BATEAU INOUBLIABLE! Je rends d'abord grâce à tous les éléments qui...
Where I come from... Disagreements are impossible, we are transparent. Pollution is nonexistent, our universe is pure. Anger is inconceivable, we are...
Cette histoire se déroule à Yellowknife, lors d’une visite chez ma sœur. À cette époque, à Yellowknife, les chasseurs recevaient une prime...
Être conscient des énergies qui nous entourent et choisir de canaliser le Reiki, la force universelle de vie, figurent parmi les plus...
Le 10 janvier 2011, nous avons été les témoins privilégiés d'un phénomène exceptionnel de la nature. C'était à l'heure du soleil...
2014 bat son plein et n'est pas de tout repos ... enfin ... pour moi. Mon âme imagine une Nouvelle Terre …...
Dear Archangel Michael, I invoke you, hear this prayer that comes from my heart. I ask to be aware of my life...
Dear God and angels, I call upon you, hear this prayer which comes from my heart. It seems like I forgot why...
Dear Archangel Michael, I invoke you, hear this prayer that comes from my heart. I ask to be aware of my life...
Dear God and angels, I call upon you, hear this prayer which comes from my heart. It seems like I forgot why...
I thank the Universe for its support. I commit to be the best of myself, unified with the purpose of my soul....
Where I come from... Disagreements are impossible, we are transparent. Pollution is nonexistent, our universe is pure. Anger is inconceivable, we are...
I would like to offer the best of myself... Today, what can I do to fill my life of love? Today, did...
Did you have significant experiences with certain animals? Have you noticed animals with abnormal behaviors? Do some animals persist or visit you...
Some sources of stress Abuse Constant noises Life changes Health problems Death of a loved one Career Job dissatisfaction Job loss Change...
Some approaches to discover your life mission Have the intention (Intention and Will) Know yourself and have self-confidence (Knowledge and Self-confidence) Being...
Practice three deep breaths At the first inspiration, we see the emotional body getting closer and, on expiration, we see it released...