Article écrit par Monique Briand, publié le 2 August 2019 En savoir plus
I have a dream for Reiki and this is a big dream... My personal history with Reiki has shown me how important...
For a practice filled with benefits, light, magic and love. Energetic wands have long been used by healers around the world to...
Le Reiki comme approche aidante ... le Reiki comme style de vie. Pour aider nos proches : Parents, amis et collègues en manque...
Être conscient des énergies qui nous entourent et choisir de canaliser le Reiki, la force universelle de vie, figurent parmi les plus...
May blessings be on this meal and on all who have contributed to its manifestation. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.
Since you are ready to open yourself to this possibility, you can embark on a developmental path to mediumship. 1. You can...
Article écrit par Monique Briand, publié le 2 August 2019 En savoir plus
The primary chakras are our seven energy centers that run along the spine and cross our physical body. Thus, there is the...
Le symboles Sei Hei Ki et Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen présent dans le Reiki vous sont expliqués dans leur support apporté quant aux études et aux examens.
For a practice filled with benefits, light, magic and love. Energetic wands have long been used by healers around the world to...
Have you ever been told that you needed to "ground yourself," that you were floating… or that you were somewhere else or...
Article écrit par Monique Briand, publié le 20 July 2019 En savoir plus
Practice Reiki; Use visualizations and guided meditations; Take shamanic journeys and / or exercises in a state of expanding consciousness. For example,...
For a practice filled with benefits, light, magic and love. Energetic wands have long been used by healers around the world to...
It is possible for us to see and understand the subtle energies. To do this, we stimulate lesser-known dimensions of the Being...
Je suis la Flamme Violette, qui purifie et aide à la transmutation De toutes choses, de tous êtres, de toutes vies, de...
Lorsque tu te centres: 1. Tu es toi-même! Tu rayonnes la splendeur de ton âme. Tu honores ton Je Suis unique. 2....
Vidéo avec Éric Briand-Pétrin ICI Quand est-il temps de purifier à l'aide de la Sauge, cette herbe sacrée? Voici quelques exemples d'occasions...
Indeed, we are surrounded by energies invisible to our eyes. These energies can be positive or negative, beneficial or undesirable. Since you...
Nos êtres chers communiquent avec nous au-delà de la mort. J'aimerais vous aider à les identifier et à éliminer les peurs qui...
Nous sommes de plus en plus affectés par des énergies provenant de la zone astrale. Il y a une raison toute simple...
2014 bat son plein et n'est pas de tout repos ... enfin ... pour moi. Mon âme imagine une Nouvelle Terre …...
I ask water to welcome and transform these energies for the best of all.
A personal Pyramid of Light perfectly suited to my needs is currently manifesting in the 5th dimension. Love is pure in there....
This violet flame, support for the Alchemy of Saint-Germain, instantly welcomes and transmutes all the energies present as well as those linked...
Thank you to all the Angels and Guides, visible and invisible, for the privilege and honor that we had to share this...
I appreciate the help and support of the Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. During this rituel, I honor their presence...
“I am accompanied by the Angels and Guides which are the most appropriate for the energetic work of ____________________ being accomplished with...
All the energies present in my energy field as well as all those which are attached to it, in one way or...
All the energies present in our energy fields as well as all those which are attached to it, in one way or...
I am centered in my heart My head is aligned with the sky My feet are on the ground.
Have you ever been told that you needed to "ground yourself," that you were floating… or that you were somewhere else or...
Article écrit par Monique Briand, publié le 20 July 2019 En savoir plus
Since you are ready to open yourself to this possibility, you can embark on a developmental path to mediumship. 1. You can...
Indeed, we are surrounded by energies invisible to our eyes. These energies can be positive or negative, beneficial or undesirable. Since you...
This is an example of a ritual that can be adapted according to the tool to be blessed and activated. Use the...
The water element is recognized from all time, all traditions and in several cultures as being source of life, of purification and...
Consultation of 30 minutes rate or more + purchase of a sage stick You buy the sage stick that will be blessed...
Smoke from herbs or from incense is used to cleanse and balance the energy field around people, objects, homes and even sacred...
Practice three deep breaths At the first inspiration, we see the emotional body getting closer and, on expiration, we see it released...
For a practice filled with benefits, light, magic and love. Energetic wands have long been used by healers around the world to...
Consultation of 30 minutes rate or more + purchase of a sage stick You buy the sage stick that will be blessed...
It is possible for us to see and understand the subtle energies. To do this, we stimulate lesser-known dimensions of the Being...