Bonne nouvelle! Les archanges nous offrent un cadeau : ils s’occupent de la grande pyramide à souhaits que la boutique L'Essence-Ciel met à...
Since you are ready to open yourself to this possibility, you can embark on a developmental path to mediumship. 1. You can...
Photos des archanges peintes par Jac Lapointe. Excellent pour la méditation et la visualisation. Disponibles en boutique en format portefeuille à 4.99$...
Did you know... ...that archangels transmit teachings that encourage us to reach a radiant rainbow state? Do you know their simple, effective...
According to Doreen Virtue's teachings: Guidance Mature tone, wise content Constance, repeat the same things Reveals our life mission Makes us happy...
Practice Reiki; Use visualizations and guided meditations; Take shamanic journeys and / or exercises in a state of expanding consciousness. For example,...
Communication with angels goes through the right brain (dreams, meditation, imagination). We can stimulate the relationship with our angels, they wait for...
Thanks to new knowledge related to the Law of Attraction, there is a renewed interest in the field of divinatory arts, and...
Être conscient des énergies qui nous entourent et choisir de canaliser le Reiki, la force universelle de vie, figurent parmi les plus...
Since you are ready to open yourself to this possibility, you can embark on a developmental path to mediumship. 1. You can...
Before your reading Imagine an atmosphere suitable to the exercise. You can create your own ritual (candles, incense, meditations, rules, etc.) Count...
What is an oracle? The oracle serves as an intermediary between the conscious and the unconscious. In this case, it is a...
Les anges de naissance proviennent de la tradition kabbalistique qui elle-même découle des enseignements du judaïsme. Selon cette tradition, chaque individu possède...