Purification & Reprogramming: The Sacred Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping…
Place your wrist on the sacred chakra
And while practicing a counter-clockwise rotation, release the energy that blocks the chakra by unwinding it, undoing it.
Sacred Chakra
Start the release from the following
- I am not correct
- I am from the wrong gender
- I should have been of the opposite gender
- My relationships are painful
- People I’m in contact with are controlling me
- Life is difficult, love is painful
- I’m hiding my body
- I wanted to be a woman, to be a man
- It’s wrong to have sex
- Men take advantage of women for sex
- Sex is scary
- I am bad at creativity
- I do not have intuition
- I feel guilty
- I feel betrayed
I continue to release all the cells from my body
- I’m alone
- I feel torn
- I reject myself
- I do not like myself
- I lack of motivation
- People have no respect towards me
- I am damaged
- My needs are not fulfilled
- My relationships are dangerous
- I lack of support
- I lack of protection
- I am a victim
- I do not have a personal identity
- Nobody cherishes me
- I have no self-esteem
- I repeat the patterns of unhealthy relationships
- I do not deserve a better life
I release from the sacred chakra, I let it go, I release
- Nobody wants me
- Nobody is here for me
- I have to use sex to get noticed
- I will be loved if I am sexier
- I have to use sex to get my needs filled
- I really do not know who I really am
- I do not want to know my true self
- I’m afraid to be true
I release
- I’m never good enough
- I feel guilty when things go by my way
- I have to have difficulties somewhere in my life
- Who am I to think that I can make a difference
- Women are weak
- Men are controlling
- I feel stupid and stuck
- There is no love for me
- I have nothing to offer
I release all this at all levels, from all chakras, from all energy centers. I release everything, completely.
You now change the direction of rotation of your wrist, so you now turn clockwise to add, insert what is appropriate for the chakra.
Now, I fill this space with energies that are favorable to me
Thanks my God
- I deserve love
- I’m proud to be a woman, a man
- I am perfect as I am
- My life is beautiful and good
- I deserve all the blessings of life
- I receive them now
- I am wanted, welcomed and deeply loved
- It’s my birthright to receive what I need
- I am noticed
- I am completely in relation to myself
- My relationships are safe
- I let in all these new energies
Thanks my God
- Sex is sacred and spiritual
- Sex is appropriate and safe in a healthy relationship
- I can enjoy sex
- I appreciate my body as it is right now
- I am comfortable with my body
- I allow myself comfort and maternal love
- I feed on feelings and words of love
- I let in all these new energies
Thanks my God
- Life is Beautiful
- I am creative and intuitive
- My relationships are a pleasure
- My relationship is easy and harmonious
- The ones I love appreciate me and pay attention
- My great creativity allows me to contribute remarkably in this life
- I attract compatible people who love me and who support me
- I let in all these new energies
- I am wonderfully and perfectly guided by my intuitions
- My intuitions are good
Keep inspiring positive energy in all your cells, activating more truth and light in your chakra. This chakra is released purified and energized.
Now, pronounce
“I feel gratitude now that this chakra is purified, liberated and harmonized allowing the creation of a better life.
I am free and autonomous. I am love, peace, joy and light. Life is abundant and I am connected to the Source, to all that is. I like, I love, I love and I am very, very loved!
From now on, I will be able to practice purifications, releases and reprogramming with ease and simplicity when I feel the need. “