Reiki 2 : Formation
Retrieves memories (even those of previous lives) that allow you to see the source of any problem that afflicts you. Explore the source of your human being, your blockages and your health problems in order to get rid of them for good. Free yourself from those old stories that continue to bring you challenges and hardships without reason in your present life. Feel the benefits of being free, lightened and able to live your dream life.
Goal: To transmit Reiki remotely. Encourage the development of telepathy and healing at the source of the health problem.
Teachings offered:
- The many facets of remote Reiki work;
- Verification of the understanding of Reiki symbols;
- The energetic sweep: a healing treatment merging a shamanic practice and P.N.L. that allow you to recover memories (even those of past lives) and to go to the source of any problem that afflicts you. The knowledge of this memory is enough to provoke an opening for the cure of the problem;
- Teaching the principles of telepathic work;
- Approach to remote work.
- Sharing experiences of Reiki;
- Remote treatment.
Light work:
- Initiation to Reiki level II;
- The energy sweep.
Benefits provided:
- Fast and discreet practice of Reiki in any situation;
- Remote power transmission;
- How to treat the difficult situations of your past;
- Preparation for the events of the future
- Group of discussion about our experiences;
- Increased level of confidence in your skills.
Inscription par téléphone – Tu peux nous appeler au (819) 568-2643 pour t’inscrire à la date de ton choix; nous acceptons Visa, Mastercard ou American Express.
Inscription en personne à la boutique – nous sommes situés au 867 rue Jacques-Cartier et nous acceptons les paiements Interac ou Comptant; viens nous visiter lors de nos heures d’ouverture et ça nous fera un plaisir de t’inscrire aux formations qui t’intéressent!
Tu ne sais pas encore? Si les dates sont trop éloignées pour que tu puisses prendre une décision maintenant, ou encore si tu ne peux être présent à ces dates en particulier, tu peux toujours t’inscrire à notre liste d’attente :
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De cette manière, nous pourrons te contacter lorsque de nouvelles dates s’ajoutent à l’horaire, pour t’avertir avant la formation ou si le groupe est presque complet, selon tes besoins.