Reiki 1: Formation

The Reiki is a healing energy for everyone. In one day, you can learn everything you need to improve your daily life. Reiki is also a complementary and an alternative approach to pain and illness. You can do self-care and transmit Reiki to others and to your environment!
Through your initiation to Reiki during this training, you are equipped and able to circulate the energy of Reiki at any time for yourself, in any situation and for everyone.
- Raise up your level of energy. Reiki puts you in tune with an inexhaustible and natural source of energy.
- Develop your gifts. Reiki promotes the development of your psychic skills and of your intuition.
- Reduce your stress. Reiki is a natural anti-stress that allows you to be calm in front of life’s challenges.
- Increase your self-confidence. Reiki allows you to intervene positively in any life situation.
- Heal and support your loved ones in their healing. Reiki is a healing energy.
The Reiki at Essence-Ciel is an Angelic formation signature. Together towards a better world. With Reiki, you say yes to life!
Goal: Teaching Reiki as a way of life. This way, you can peacefully go through the challenges and difficulties of life.
Teachings offered:
- Reiki as a way of life;
- The various ways to integrate the practice of Reiki on a daily basis;
- Chakras: identification of the most common sources of imbalance for each chakra with the goal to optimize health;
- Teachings from the Archangels and their rays in association with the chakras;
- The method of self-treatment and treatment of others with our hands;
- Introduction to the Reiki symbols and Reiki remotely by thought with telepathic work;
- Awareness on the ways of interacting with nature and elements in order to receive support from them and to contribute to the Earth healing;
- Introduction to level II and to the master level.
- Practice hand positions for self-treatment;
- Practice in group of table treatments.
Light Work:
- Ritual initiation to Reiki level I.
- Increase your energy level;
- Support a healthier lifestyle;
- Stress management that allows you to live a greater peace;
- Pain treatment;
- Effective way to respond to a challenge or bad news;
- Deep relaxation method and help to sleep;
- Autonomy;
- Development of your gifts and psychic skills;
- Framing your mediumship and your sensitivity through the choice of what you channel.
Video series « Reiki pour tous » with Monique Briand, clic here. (In French)
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Inscription en personne à la boutique – nous sommes situés au 867 rue Jacques-Cartier et nous acceptons les paiements Interac ou Comptant; viens nous visiter lors de nos heures d’ouverture et ça nous fera un plaisir de t’inscrire aux formations qui t’intéressent!
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