Life Mission : The Shamanic Path : Group Coaching
Who are you? Is it time for you to know?
Are you looking for the meaning of your life? Do you need to know your way?
Do you want to life with all of your potential?
This is your time, this is now! Deploy your wings!
Make a quantum leap towards the realization of your dream life.
Embark on this shamanic journey that plunges you into the heart of your being where you discover your gifts, your unique skills and talents to be aligned with your Life Mission.
This includes lessons, activities and personalized experiences.
The memory of your Life Mission propels you to another level of consciousness. Your life is filled with joy, gratitude and blessings.
Group coaching with Monique
You improve your relationship with yourself and you recognize what is true for you. This better self-knowledge leads you to the discovery of your purpose and/or the validation of your life mission. You can then be engaged with occupations and activities that you like and be in touch with the appropriate people. Your life has meaning and you are committed to contributing the best of yourself for the best of all.
- Include 4 group sessions with initiatory teachings and shamanic practices;
- To facilitate the passages throughout the course, you receive energy support by an light expert, psychic and clairvoyant;
- This includes your access to our online school;
- You can communicate with us at any time to ask questions related to the lessons learned and the experiences you have with them;
- Access to materials and educational materials;
- Access to recordings of sessions and guided tours so you can do them again at will!
- Invitation to the Facebook Private Sharing Group: Ta Quête Initiatique (Your Initiating Quest). It is exclusively for Essence-Ciel and Fleur de Vie students so they can openly share among themselves among a community of peers.
Renew your passion for You, Your Life, Your Dreams
Teachings offered:
- Clarification of your Life Mission and alignment with it;
- Exploration of knowledge related to the Medicine Wheel and the Tree of Life;
- Identification of your personal medicines (your personal power) with the incentive to integrate them into your daily life;
- Identify what you love and what is true for you with your achievements: your gifts, your strengths, your talents, your abilities and your challenges;
- How to formulate your intentions in order to obtain favorable results;
- Introduction to your creative power and tothe law of attraction;
- How to establish relationships with beings of other kingdoms, realms and dimensions in order to receive their help.
- Create your Life Mission Journal.
- Connect with your guides and your angels.
Light work:
- Verification and confirmation of your Ray of Incarnation;
- Solidification of your energy structure and activation of your clairvoyance;
- Reset your deep memories;
- Rite of passage for healing your relationship with your earthly parents and for establishing a healthy relationship with your inner child;
- Contact with your subconscious and your Higher Self;
- Guided trips with the Whale and the Eagle where you gently learn a method of shamanic practice, shapeshifting;
- Introduction to your tree of life and activation of your personal medicine wheel.
Benefits provided:
- Joy of living;
- Passion and Enthusiasm;
- Better self-knowledge;
- Recognition of your life mission;
- Connection with your inner shaman;
- Increase of the level of Confidence in Self;
- Self-love: thanks to a better Self-knowledge;
- A deep connection with life;
- Better relationships: meeting those with whom you are supposed to live your life;
- Motivation to serve life and to offer the best of yourself;
- Unification with All That Is.
Inscription par téléphone – Tu peux nous appeler au (819) 568-2643 pour t’inscrire à la date de ton choix; nous acceptons Visa, Mastercard ou American Express.
Inscription en personne à la boutique – nous sommes situés au 867 rue Jacques-Cartier et nous acceptons les paiements Interac ou Comptant; viens nous visiter lors de nos heures d’ouverture et ça nous fera un plaisir de t’inscrire aux formations qui t’intéressent!
Tu ne sais pas encore? Si les dates sont trop éloignées pour que tu puisses prendre une décision maintenant, ou encore si tu ne peux être présent à ces dates en particulier, tu peux toujours t’inscrire à notre liste d’attente :
M’inscrire à la liste d’attente!
De cette manière, nous pourrons te contacter lorsque de nouvelles dates s’ajoutent à l’horaire, pour t’avertir avant la formation ou si le groupe est presque complet, selon tes besoins.