Teachings and Guidance
The Decree (from Latin decretum, “decision”) is a decision issued by a sovereign authority. It is a decision that orders or rules something. In the context of spiritual practice and personal growth, these are statements said with authority by a person who assumes his sovereignty or the control of his being. Thus, this is the reason why we place a lot of importance on the decree of centering, because it allows us to be positioned in our place of power, in our physical body at the level of the heart. From this position, we have control of our being, we are sovereign and we can pronounce all our decrees.
This section contains the decrees used during formation activities. -
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find the answers we offer in relation to the questions we are most frequently asked. They represent the needs expressed by our customers. Among other, the formative activities we offer have been developed in response to these knowledge needed.
Light work
Welcome to the wonderful world of energies! Light work (or energy work) is an approach that promotes health at all levels of our being. The practice of light work relies on a function of the right brain. It allows us to exercise and develop our psychic faculties, to become more aware of our personal power and more responsible for our experience. Our creative power is thus activated.
According to our definition, there are several categories of prayers (gratitude, blessings, invocations, intercessions, offerings, presence, sharing / confidences). Prayer can be practiced individually or shared in a group.
To enhance your moments of ceremonies, of celebrations and of learning, you can choose the practice of a ritual. A ritual includes a set of gestures and steps to follow that achieve a specific goal. It is a protocol that promotes the achievement of a goal.
Written Articles
This section contains two categories of written articles: teaching writings and descriptive writings.