Ceremony: Medicine Wheel: Animals Totems
This is an example of a ritual that can be adapted according to the activity.
Use the elements that suit you.
This ritual can be as simple or elaborate as you want.
Purpose of the Ceremony
Establish a healthy relationship / connection with the animals Guides. Honor our totem animals. Clarify our intentions: To activate the medicines and the collaboration with our totems, to activate our receptivity to the messages offered by the guide animals and to be open to receive the help of an animal of power.
This ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be. What matters is that your intentions regarding totem animals are clear so that they are activated and oriented according to your intentions.
Tools and objects used during the ceremony (some suggestions)
- Centering decree;
- Ritual of energy cleaning with the Merkaba;
- Ritual of purification with sage;
- Oracle, Jamie Sams’s Medicine Cards;
- A place that is sacred to you (altar, meditation room, medicine wheel, sacred place);
- A tablecloth or carpet (optional). Carpet for a medicine wheel;
- Medicine Wheel Stones;
- Sage and container;
- Feather duster;
- Incense;
- Matches, lighter;
- Bowl of holy water;
- Ceremonial cup (optional) for the water you drink;
- Candles;
- All symbolic objects or representative objects of your guides that you choose;
- Ceremonial jacket (optional);
- Your intention clearly stated (written or verbal);
- Prayers and gratitude;
- Offerings (herbs, incense, flowers, precious stones, shells, etc.).
List of guests (some suggestions)
- The spirit of the four directions (North, South, East and West);
- The celestial energy (Chi-cosmic) the Source, God, the Universal Energy;
- Earth Energy (Chi-Terrestre) Gaia, Mother Earth, Spirits of Nature;
- The Heart’s energy (Unconditional Love);
- The spirit of the four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water);
- The spirit of the kingdoms animal, vegetable and mineral (The Devas);
- The spirit of space and time;
- The spirit of truth and clarity;
- Willingness;
- The spirit of physical perceptions and extra-sensory perceptions;
- The conscious, subconscious and superconscious;
- The archetypes of the major arcana of the tarot (symbol of the spiritual journey of the human being);
- Your inner shaman;
- Your Angels and Guides;
- You, all aspects of your being (body, soul and spirit);
- Any other presence that you deem appropriate;
- The Spirit of the materials that constitute the tool.
Preparation for the Ceremony
- Determine the best time for your ceremony;
- Astrological influences, lunar cycles, etc .;
- Auspicious time without interruption (children, cell phones, etc.);
- Gather your tools and your objects;
- Prepare your decrees and prayers. You can use those of the Essence-Ciel portal as an example and customize them according to your preferences or you can create your own decrees. If you need written materials, bring your documents;
- Wear your chosen garment, if necessary;
- Go to your designated place for the ceremony;
- Do your centering and energetic cleaning (see the decree of centering, purification ritual with sage and energy cleaning ritual with Merkaba);
- Do energetic cleaning of your place of consecration and of your tools and install your objects according to your preferences;
- Make sure you have a lighted candle and a burning incense.
Different intentions can be attributed to the guide animals: See the ritual
- Connection with guides and terrestrial / celestial energies;
- Amplification of terrestrial / celestial energies;
- Purification, transmutation and activation;
- Protection of what is there;
- Follow-up supports and personal spiritual development;
- Initiatory journeys, energy and therapeutic work, cures;
- Help with the role of consultant, coach and guide for others.
Conduct of the ceremony
- Center yourself;
- Make your connection with the cosmic chi and the terrestrial chi (Vertical connection);
- Call on your guides and invite them to join you for the ceremony.
- See the accompanying decree by angels and guides;
- See the decree of honor towards the four nature’s elements;
- Use the same kind of decree for all your other guests.
- Honor all your Guides by greeting them;
- Face North and greet the 4 directions (North, South, East and West) by turning to each of them;
- Greet the Hereafter (the High), the Below (the Low) and the Inward (the Heart);
- Stand in front of your symbolic objects.
- Place your hands on or above and pass on your gratitude. Take your object in your hands and carry it to your heart. Inhale and exhale consciously;
- Pass your object over the flame of the candle and pronounce the decree: I consecrate you with the element Fire;
- Pass your object over the smoke of incense and pronounce the decree: I consecrate you with the element Air;
- Place your object on the ground, place small stones on it and pronounce the decree: I consecrate you with the element Earth;
- Sprinkle your object with a few drops of water that you have previously blessed and pronounce the decree: I consecrate you with the element Water;
- Take your object in your hands, raise it to the sky, then bring it back to your heart;
- Recite your decree of consecration for your oracle “The Medicine Cards”. See decree of consecration for oracle The Medicine Cards;
- Ask that your Object be activated for work with you for the best of all;
- Visualize yourself as you use your tool;
- When you have finished, thank the guides (see the Angels and Guides Thank You Decree);
- Collect your belongings and close your sacred place;
- Leave the heart filled with gratitude and love;
- Carefully store your medicine bowl / wish pyramid.
- You are now ready to make good use of your Oracle and totem animal guides, companions on the path of evolution.
Have a good journey!