Harmonization Tools
Sensitivity-Earth Changes
Worry about changes happening to the earth and our communities. Fears natural catastrophes. Feels secure. Ability to remain centered, to adjust to...
Soul Mate Spray
Did you find your Soul Mate yet? A popular spray for attracting love in your life. Enjoy romance and play with this...
Tambours chamaniques
Le tambour chamanique comme outil d’harmonisation. Jouer du tambour nous met en relation avec notre âme. Le tambourinement synchronise le corps et...
Teen Essence
Fear of not fitting in, feeling unattractive, awkward, unseen and misunderstood. Moody, irrational, critical of self and others, easily upset. Helps a...
Therapist and Healers
Vulnerability. Easily affected by crowds, by other people’s emotions. Easily exhausted when surrounded by many people through the day. Keeping clear personal...
Tibetan bowls
Les sonorités harmoniques et méditatives produites par les vibrations d’un bol chantant sont reconnues pour leur effet équilibrant sur les chakras. Faire...
Universal Healing
Chronic, long lasting health imbalances and fatigue. Gathering our healing resources, restoration. For optimum health. Provides a matrix of energy to seal...
Woman’s Own
Women who feel stretched too far, being taken for granted, despair, grief and discouragement. “Women who love too much.” Difficulty juggling roles...