
Many of you chose to be born under the Sun Sign Capricorn for this lifetime, for your wise Soul knew you needed to anchor your Higher Self on the physical plane. The positive energies or attributes that Capricorn offers you are patience, humility, compassion and wisdom. You are quite creative, but at times you may be pessimistic and doubt your abilities.

You must learn to believe in yourself and to develop optimism. Some of the major lessons of this Sun Sign are that your Soul will test you in an effort to awaken you to your highest potential, therefore, you may experience sorrow, disappointment and limitation until you release those thought forms and energies from past lives that are keeping you from Self-Mastery.

The reason you have chosen so many personal challenges in your life is so that you will be led to seek spiritual wisdom and mastery rather than personal life success. Once you become aware of this, the setbacks and obstacles will diminish. Once you begin to align with the positive energies of your Sun Sign and Rays, your ambition, efficiency, and practicality will assist you to make astounding progress. Your Divine heritage is all the beauty, love and abundance you can contain, but it you must be in harmony with your Soul Self or you will still feel an inner discontent.

The key phrase for this sign is I USE, and the key word is ATTAINMENT. You have the tools and inward abilities to achieve anything you desire in this lifetime, beloved, and you are being given the opportunity to scale mountains and view the world from the rarefied realms of a master.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : Squelette
PIERRES : Onyx blanc, diamant
COULEURS : indigo, marron
METAL : plomb
PROFESSIONS : Architecte, Ingénieur, Chercheur, Bibliothécaire

Est-ce votre maître Saturne, natif du Capricorne, qui vous incite à construire cette tour d’ivoire protectrice?
Solitaire, patient, vous savez affronter les difficultés et leurs contraintes.
Votre grande faculté d’observateur est souvent associée à un certain pessimisme ce qui fait de vous un être qui paraît froid et distant. Secret, introverti, ce n’est qu’avec le temps que l’on arrive à percevoir votre grande sensibilité.