
Cancer is a water sign and the element of water can be described as sensitive, emotional and responsive. The planetary ruler for Cancer is the Moon, which is the reflective energy of the Mother-Goddess, just as the Sun projects the radiance of our Father-God.

The sign for Cancer is the Crab, and it is very appropriate. The Crab carries his house on his back and moves through life in a curious zigzag way, sometimes snapping unnecessarily. People born under the influence of Cancer have these traits as well: their home is of utmost importance to them, and they have many emotional ups and downs. This sign is also action-oriented and ambitious.

The key phrase for Cancer is I FEEL, and the key word is SYMPATHY. Therefore, the positive traits that you are trying to integrate are to be sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty and protective. The negative traits you must watch for are overcoming the tendency to be argumentative, moody, sensitive, overly-emotional, and to strive to not develop a martyr complex. You are apt to respond to life through your emotions rather than your mind. It may be extremely difficult for you to control your emotions, but that is one of the major tasks you chose to accomplish in this lifetime.

You may be very emphatic, like a psychic sponge, absorbing any negativity around you without even being aware of it. You may appear very controlled, or even cold-natured to people you are not comfortable with, but you are really soft and vulnerable on the inside. You may try to sidestep confrontation and may have difficulty taking a stand; you would rather retreat into your shell than face a difficult situation head-on.

Taking your power back and balancing your mental and emotional natures are two of the most important life lessons for you in this lifetime.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : appareil digestif
PIERRE : émeraude
COULEUR : blanc
METAL : argent
PROFESSIONS : Historien, Romancier, Navigateur, Antiquaire, Relations publiques.

Est-ce la lune et son monde de l’irrationnel qui fait de vous un être si imperméable, tendre natif du Cancer?
Votre besoin de sécurité fait de vous un être désirant se blottir dans le « cocon » protecteur d’une famille. Impressionnable, imaginatif, vos changements d’humeur sont aussi soudains qu’imprévisibles. C’est la raison pour laquelle, en fonction des moments, vous pouvez être soit très strict et très rigide dans l’éducation de vos enfants, soit très laxiste. Au fond de vous peut également sommeiller le bohème, le vagabond, le poète ou l’artiste peintre.