Crystal Skulls
The crystal skull in spiritual practice
The origin of the crystal skulls is shrouded in mystery. Since the 19th century scientists and researchers have been debating on the origin of some skulls found scattered around the world. Some of them would be authentic Aztec and Mayan ceremonial skull-masks while the others would be false and date to the 19th century. Of course, all available skulls on the market today are of recent and modern manufacturing. They are generally divided between those that would be of ancient origin and those manufactured recently. To understand the phenomenon, another approach to the skulls is necessary. In the book, les mémoires de la terre, the author Marie-Claude Jean mentions another way of considering them: The minor skulls that are physical and visible and the major skulls that are energetic and invisible. The minor ones were made to establish a connection with something that already existed, the major skulls. Whether or not your skull is legendary or even if it comes from your favorite boutique, they are all on a very special mission, to bridge the gap between our beings different levels of consciousness and unify them.
Simply put the skulls serve as an outside support for the superior part of our consciousness, the one that is universal. What’s important to know is that every skull chooses its guardian who will protect it and work together with it and the other guardians. The stones and the crystals on this planet vibrate in unison and are thus connected. This is why the modern skulls are able to receive the same energy and signals than those that are legendary. Somewhere in our reality, they are one.
When we find our skull, we know it. It could be because it is attracting us in some way or simply for its physical look. The skulls know how to be chosen. It is as though it was always there waiting for us to find it. When we become guardian of a skull our oneness with the earth is amplified. If we know ourselves connected at all times with life and the universe, our consciousness elevates to a level where life has a totally different tone. You are no longer alone. You are now part of the guardians of the earth.
Each skull has its own name and it will tell you when the time is right. Some skulls give their name almost immediately to their guardians while some others keep us waiting. Sometimes it is given during a dream, but it can also spontaneously appear in your mind as a wordplay or as a familiar name. We must not be fooled by the strange sound of some names because the masters present in the skulls could come from ancient times.
Crystal skulls also act as energetic archives by saving and recording in their core the intentions and the positive energy they are exposed to. They will transmit this information to the stones, crystals and people of their surroundings.
The skulls like to accompany us for a stroll or a drive because that’s how they do part of their work. Everywhere they go they transmit what has been programmed inside their matrix. That’s also how they save the energy of places that are positive for you and your quest like nature and sacred sites.
What we can do with a skull is limited only by our imagination. The main thing is to treat it with respect, to protect it and most importantly to have fun with it. Even if the planetary healing work of the crystal skulls is something very important and serious, one must not forget to be in the state of joy and love because they are far more powerful than those of relentlessness and narrow thinking.